"A Mother's Treasure is Her Daughter"

Monday, April 5, 2010

baby easter egg hunt!

saturday morning before easter, dillan and i went over to aunt cindy's to meet up with grandma pj, monica, and baby camdyn. we all went to a baby easter egg hunt at a nearby church. the girls had a ball and even played in the mini jupiter jump!
afterwards, we went over to aunt cinee's to play, visit with the family, and have an easter lunch.

grandma pj and dillan snuggling
aunt cinee holding dillan and camdyn

mommy and dillan

camdyn down the slide
dillan down the slide! "wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!"
cami and dillan hugging it out
great grandma mullins

aunt casie

dillan hugging grandpa pj

great aunt kim having easter lunch with dillan

1 comment:

hub of the house said...

aahhhhhh! sooo cute! I really love the liberty of london and think she MUST own everything in the line!!!!